
This here is an introduction to creating an RPG using the awesome Verge game engine. It is by no means the one and only resource you will need to create an RPG with verge, but if you're new to the whole RPG creation scene, and especially Verge, this will help you to understand the fundamentals of creating an RPG, as well as an in depth look at how verge makes all of this a little more easier for you.

Who is this tutorial for?
The absolute beginner. You need to have no programming knowledge, or know how to draw a single pixel of art. I've included a basic package which contains everything we'll be using while learning the different aspects of verge.

What is verge?
Verge stands for Vecna's Extraordinary Role-playing Game Engine, and has been around for quite a few years. It was created by a fellow named "vecna" (oddly enough), but has had many contributors along the way, turning it into what it is today. Verge is now in it's 3rd incarnation (Verge 3 or just V3), which is by far the most powerful version of this program we have seen yet. Both verge 1 and verge 2 definitely had their advantages, however, v3 introduces the ability to create better graphics, better sounds/music quality, and many other features that you really don't need to understand at this point. ^_^

So WHAT is it?
To put it bluntly, verge is a game creation engine. This means that it makes the process of creating a game much easier for anyone who wants to try his or her hand at it. Its advantage over other RPG engines is its flexibility, and power. This means that you are not stuck with the same battle system, or the same menu system, these are all created by you, and can be anything that you'd like. (However, there are battle systems and menu systems that have been created by others that you can download and include in your game. More on this later.)
Although VERGE is primarily for RPG's, the beauty of the engine is the ability to create other types of games as well. (Flexibility) One of the most popular verge games is called "Zeuxworld" by Zaratustra (http:/ It's a platformer in the style of the popular "Super Mario" series and a lot of fun to play.

Can I make a 3d game with it?
Verge 3 was not designed to create 3d games. Rather, its aim is to help you create “retro games”, such as classics like Chrono Trigger, Final fantasy 4, 5 & 6, and Phantasy Star.

How do I make a game?
It's quite a process, really. The aim of this tutorial is to at least get you started by understanding the basics of RPG creation, and how about doing this with verge. It does take a lot of work, but don't let that detour you. Game creation is a rewarding experience, especially after looking at a finished product and thinking to yourself "Wow! I made that!"
It's a mixture of programming, drawing, writing, and (if you're a musician like myself) composing. But, of course, you don't necessarily have to do ALL of these things, especially if you have some talented friends willing to lend you a hand.

Table Of Contents      Chapter 1: The Basics