A Beginners Guide to Verge3
By Rysen
Latest Revision: Oct.7th/2004

Change Log:

This tutorial refers to a "Basic Package" which includes all the files needed to start creating a game for verge, as well as some basic resources to help us with the examples found in each chapter.
Occasionally, you will find a new file at the beginning of a chapter that you are asked to download. (It will usually be an image). You can simply save it to the directory you extracted the contents of the Basic Package to without any problems. :)
"Basic Package" Download

This tutorial is very much a work-in-progress so expect a plethora of grammar/spelling mistakes as I edit and revise each chapter.
I will gladly accept all feedback/criticism/questions anyone may have regarding each topic, and constantly update the chapters as needed. Chapters which are significantly modified will be indicated as such in the table of contents found below, and a date of the latest revision will always be found at the top of this index page.
That being said, I hope this tutorial helps to get you started in the wonderful world of game creation using the awesome Game Engine, Verge 3. Happy Gaming!

Table of Contents: